
The Ranch
Cria Gallery
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Herd Health    


Veterinarian Dr. Don Anderson and Charlene look at a radiograph in Mountain Edge Alpacas'  vet room.
Charlene and Mark Hoffman, the ranch manager, carefully prepare syringes for the monthly inoculations.  "Our veterinary facilities can handle up to 130 alpacas. 

Ed and Charlene Friedman are proud of their fully equipped vet room.  Here they get ready to spin blood for an IgG test for a newborn cria.


Charlene carefully examines a fecal sample in the vet room. "To raise happy and healthy alpacas, year round health screening is a necessity."


651 Bailey Lane
Boalsburg, PA 16827
Tel: 814 / 466-7352
Fax: 814 / 466-2825

Toll-Free: 877 / 63-ALPACAS

PO Box 10299
State College, PA 16805
Tel: 814 / 234-6004
Fax: 814 / 234-9093

The Ranch Cria Gallery Qualities (1) Qualities (2) Fleece
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Alpaca Parade (1) Alpaca Parade (2) Alpaca Parade (3) Alpaca Parade (4) Alpaca Parade (5)
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